Since this is my first year in 4th grade, this is my first time getting to do the Diamond Del program that has been visiting our school for the past few years. I was overwhelmingly impressed with this program. My class has just finished our study of rocks and minerals in science so we were very excited when we had the chance to go gem mining today at school. I was very hesitant at first, one in part because on our 3rd grade field trip last year we went gem mining as part of the trip and two because I was told we were getting into a trailer and mining. This did not excite me. Let me be the first to say, I was WRONG!!! This was a fabulous program. We began the day by watching a DVD that instructed the students on what was going to happen, what they may find and the rules of mining with Diamond Del. We then went as a class to mine and was greeted by Mr. Navaro, who was very knowledgeable and kid-friendly. The mining was in a heated trailer, well planned, had identification charts clearly placed near all students and each student recieved lots of large minerals. I couldn't have asked for any better for my students, not to mention we had a parent volunteer to walk in and out of the cold rain to escort our classes to Diamond Del. Then when we returned to our classroom, we watched another video that guided the students through identifying their gems. We had so much fun doing this adventure today! When we finished with the video, we were able to use the identification charts that each student received to sort their minerals, create a comparison map comparing and contrasting two of their minerals and create a classifying map with four more minerals. Each student left today with such knowledge of the minerals that they had found while mining and a treasure they will keep for a long time. I will post pictures soon of our maps. Below are some pictures taken my our Chief Chaos Creator of some of the minerals that the students found today.
Students Mining
Bags after mining
Identifying |
Sorting |
If you live in the North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida or Louisiana area and you are looking for a fabulous experience for your students that is on-campus. I suggest you give Diamond Del a try. It definitely is one of the best "non"field-trips that I have ever participated in. It goes right along with the North Carolina Essential Standards in Science for 4th grade. You can check Diamond Del out at