1. Does your classroom have a "family atmosphere"? What are the key ingredients that turn a group of students into a family?
2. If someone used a "positivity clicker" in your classroom, what do you think the results would be? Would every single student get the 3-to-1 positives-to-negatives ratio needed to optimize growth? What can you do to improve this ratio?

1. In my daily schedule, there is little time to facilitate a family atmosphere as I am constantly switching groups every 30 minutes. That being said, the groups of students that I serve typically come from the same classroom and/or grade level and I find that they are very supportive of each other. I have students who volunteer to go get their group members from other classes in the building. When they are practicing their speech sounds or language goals, their peers generally offer positive comments.
ReplyDelete2. I like to think that the majority of my day passes pleasantly. I use phrases to correct speech errors like “that was a great try,” or “good job, but let’s try it this way.” The students can tell when they are performing well in my room and they respond with excitement to my praise. Sometimes, I clap and offer high-fives if a student finally gets a sound or concept that we have been working on for a long time. Not all students elicit that reaction from me and I need to go into those more challenging sessions with a more positive attitude. I agree that the more positive the session, the better the results.
Yes, I too agree positive attitudes/climates elicits greater results from students.
DeleteI agree that positive attitudes/climates greatly impact student learning.
Delete1. When I go into classrooms for Guidance, I just try to build on the teacher's work in creating a family environment. Our teachers do a great job that makes it easy for me to follow. Allowing for students to move around, work in groups, make choices, and have an active part in their activities seems to deepen the relationships among the kids. In many rooms, there is an attitude of "We are all going to succeed," -not just from the teacher, but from the students themselves. I notice that when a student needs support, if I don't jump right in and just give the kids a chance to notice, they jump in themselves to help their friend. There is less of a competitive spirit or selfish ambition and more of a team spirit. This also ties in with managing mind-body states. When the atmosphere is that safe and supportive, the kids are bound to be more successful.
ReplyDelete2. As far as positivity, that is always my goal. But stress on my end (from whatever source) can make me less focused on the positive climate. Just something I have to monitor in myself all the time. Walking in the room and leaving everything else out in the hall, so I can be present with the kids is a big part of that. And then, managing my own stress once I'm in the room as challenging behaviors, etc. occur, is another part of it.
I also try to surround myself with other positive staff members. It really helps me keep the right spirit with the kids.
I want to compliment you on your positivity :) I think you are a role model when it comes to positivity. I know you have created a family atmosphere with a few of my students to where they love to go and talk to you. You have created a family atmosphere so much that I think they feel like they always have to come and talk to you 😊. I also agree with you that if you surround your self with positive people, it makes for a positive life.
DeleteI agree with Brittany, Kathy you are a role model for a positive attitude. It is difficult for me to change my outlook when negative things begin to happen in the classroom. I want to leave the room and reset. I know that is not possible so I try to mentally step away and refocus. Not always easy. = )
DeleteI feel like my classroom has a sense of family because they have been with each other other for 2 years now. I believe that if students feel comfortable with each other and their teacher the family atmosphere will develop. In the past couple of weeks some of my students have been telling other students what not to do, or what they are doing incorrectly. The students that need the redirection are not getting mad, because I feel like they are hearing it from their peers and not me.
ReplyDeleteI like to think of myself as a positive person. I like to enforce that in my classroom too. I try say something postitive when I am needing to redirect another child. I think it's important for the teacher to model positivity. I feel like there will always be something in the way of a couple of my students to get the 3-to-1 ratio. I feel like if I model positivity in my classroom when speaking to another teacher to speaking with the students, then the students will see how it is important even when you are an adult.
I agree with you Brittany. Students that loop definitely seem like they are closer to each other than most. Modeling positivity is something I need to work on as well, especially here at the end of the year... :)
DeleteI agree with you Brittany. Students that loop definitely seem like they are closer to each other than most. Modeling positivity is something I need to work on as well, especially here at the end of the year... :)
DeleteI agree a positive atmosphere is important for students. Early in my teaching a teacher said to tell students what they SHOULD do or CAN do instead of what they shouldn't be doing. Positive reminders of where they are going. I did question the statement "add energizers every 10 to 20 minutes" on page 40. I do agree with not lecturing all the time and having students work in small groups. A positive role model at school at the elementary level is so important to set a good foundation of trust as the students graduate to higher grades. i personally like the ticket idea at our school to promote positive behavior. Working with all 500 students makes it unaffordable to do rewards to a great extent, so I like to really make a big deal when a student gets a ticket. I think the attention and positive comment go much farther than other rewards in most cases.
ReplyDeletePositive reminders are always encouraging and help to create a family like atmosphere. I agree that positive comments and attention go far. It helps students know that we truly care about them. I use GoNoodle in my classroom each day. The small energizers truly make a difference in the attitudes of my students. I use GoNoodle as a transition from one activity to the next. The few short minutes of exercise helps students feel refreshed. I'm glad you shared this website with everyone in the email you sent!
DeleteI like the idea of using energizers like gonoodle frequently in class, but I am sometimes frustrated that it is hard to regain kids attention and focus after some such activities. It is an area I must continue to improve.
DeleteI have always tried over the years to have a family atmosphere in my classroom. One thing that has helped that is to really try to find something to personally connect with in each child. Unfortunately, there are teachers in some schools (not this one) who loved to "look over" my class list and tell me about all the problems I'd have with this child or that one. I just decided to ignore all that negativity and make efforts to really know the kids. Many times those "problems" never happened. Making the classroom attractive and welcoming makes a difference to kids, and being a real, approachable person does too.
ReplyDeleteAs Kathy talked about earlier, I agree that the teachers here have done an excellent job of creating that family atmosphere. When I go into classrooms I see students that are glad to be here and who are willing to help each other. As primarily a "pullout" teacher, my time is limited with the groups I have. But it's still important to let them tell me the things they are excited or worried about. I have to say that I don't know that my positives are always twice as frequent as the negatives, but I do see the importance of making sure that balance is present.
1. I definitely have a family bond with the students I have year after year. It is harder with the younger ones who don't know me yet and only come once per week. Our school does an excellent job of creating a family atmosphere. The students enjoy coming to school and seem to really care about each other.
Delete2. I always try to stay positive and encourage my students. I want them to like to come to art and to realize the importance of art in everyday life. Sometimes stress is a factor. When I have a very challenging class stress can carry over to the next class. You just have to take a deep breath and deal with it.
You do a great job of creating a family bond with the students. It is always nice when my students are eager and excited to go to specials. I can see where some classes create more stress than others. One lovely aspect of teaching is that we get a new group of students each year. It is neat to see the family bond that students create with each other as the year progresses.
DeleteI think that's a great attitude to have - not caring about the 'problems' that the students may have had in other classrooms but starting with a clean slate! When you learn about all of those problems and stereotype the child before even meeting them it sets them up for failure almost because you are less likely to give them a chance to prove themselves because you're thinking 'gosh that child is going to act up all year and not do anything.' So, I think it's great that you didn't listen when those other teachers tried telling you about your students!
DeleteI think my classroom has a family atmosphere because the students work together daily in small groups. They have truly been able to get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. My groups and partners are always changing, so students get to work with everyone in the classroom. It is neat to see students saying things to each other that I would say to the students. They have become like brothers and sisters because they are supportive of each other, but they also tell each other when they aren’t happy or are bothered by another student’s actions. My kids cheer for their classmates when goals are met and achievements are made. I see students hug each other and give each other high fives when they do something positive. I think they have this type of connection with each other because they see me high fiving and hugging them to celebrate accomplishments and hard work. It is neat to be part of classroom with a family like atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteI try to offset the negatives with positives and try to meet the 3-1 positive to negative ratio each day. When a student answers incorrectly, I always call on that student to answer a question that I know he/she can correctly answer within a few questions. I want students to know that it is okay to make mistakes because they can learn from them. Besides answering questions incorrectly/correctly, I have students give each other compliments regularly. I also try to give students positive comments throughout the day whether it is a positive comment about his/her work, behavior, or outfit. On one of my student’s last days at school, I had each student say one positive thing about him that they would miss about him or something that described him positively. The student became teary-eyed after hearing the positive things his classmates said to him. It is neat to see how far positivity can take us.
What a great idea to have each student send off somebody with a positive comment about them! When I taught 3rd grade, for each student's birthday, we made a paper chain. Each student wrote a positive comment about the birthday child and we made it into a chain for them to take home.
DeleteCool Idea!
DeleteI love that idea!
DeleteDebbie, I love the birthday chain idea! I have always struggled with a unique way to recognize kids on their special day and I think that is a wonderful way. Thanks for sharing!
DeleteMy classroom has a family atmosphere at times but many times each kids is on their own as well. I think the family atmosphere with some of the students in my class comes from them knowing each other, especially since some of them looped from K to first and are now in 2nd grade together as well. As I say this creates a family atmosphere, it also has its downside to it because by now, they're really tired of each other! I feel like the family atmosphere is created because they have shared a lot together. Being in class and watching their reactions to one another shows how they have created friendships and that family atmosphere. A couple of months back when one of our students got really hurt on the playground, it was touching to see how the other students reacted. I think because of the time and stories they've shared with one another, the class has a family atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteIf I had a positivity clicker in my classroom, that may be an epic fail many days. An attitude change may help to create that 3-1 ratio needed! Taking breaks more often switching tasks may help to improve this ratio as tediousness plays a roll in my attitude.
My classroom has a family atmosphere at times but many times each kids is on their own as well. I think the family atmosphere with some of the students in my class comes from them knowing each other, especially since some of them looped from K to first and are now in 2nd grade together as well. As I say this creates a family atmosphere, it also has its downside to it because by now, they're really tired of each other! I feel like the family atmosphere is created because they have shared a lot together. Being in class and watching their reactions to one another shows how they have created friendships and that family atmosphere. A couple of months back when one of our students got really hurt on the playground, it was touching to see how the other students reacted. I think because of the time and stories they've shared with one another, the class has a family atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteIf I had a positivity clicker in my classroom, that may be an epic fail many days. An attitude change may help to create that 3-1 ratio needed! Taking breaks more often switching tasks may help to improve this ratio as tediousness plays a roll in my attitude.
My classroom has a family atmosphere although sometimes I feel the students are a little too comfortable with me so that they tend not to focus on what's important. I have improved on keeping my students on task from last year and providing that positive environment while keeping expectations high. Engagement can be tricky for me, if the right balance of lecture time, partner time and hands on activity is not kept; students become chatty and really off task. This chapter had some really specific helpful tips for me.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that sometimes it can be hard to have that balance between being a family but not letting things be too relaxed to where they feel like they can do whatever they want.
DeleteThe balance can be tricking. I also think it differs from year to year depending on the mix of students you have. So that is something you have to adjust to every year and sometimes it takes several months getting to know you kids to get it right.
DeleteI agree, the balance is tricky. You want the kids to be comfortable, to talk to you, to share their stories, but then they can lose respect for you as the authority, when they start thinking of you as their peer.
DeleteThe balance is tricky, especially when you can tell the student has something very important to tell you at the most inappropriate time. I have found if you tell them that they can tell you later it allows you to quickly come back to topic.
DeleteThe balance is tricky, especially when you can tell the student has something very important to tell you at the most inappropriate time. I have found if you tell them that they can tell you later it allows you to quickly come back to topic.
DeleteI agree with the part about being too comfortable. I find that sometimes when I let my guard down and try to engage students on a more personal level or an overly jovial level, they kind of take advantage of the situation and get off task or overly chatty. It's kind of like the old saying, "give them an inch and they take a mile".
Delete1. Does your classroom have a "family atmosphere"? What are the key ingredients that turn a group of students into a family?
ReplyDeleteIn my classroom setting, I feel there is a definite family atmosphere. Based on the needs of my students, the close relationship with their families and the fact that they are with me for several years in a row contribute to the family feel.
Key ingredients to setting a family feel in a classroom would be to create opportunities for students to work together all throughout the day. We are fortunate in that we get to involve parents with outside school activities such as special Olympics, which fosters a family feeling.
2. If someone used a "positivity clicker" in your classroom, what do you think the results would be? Would every single student get the 3-to-1 positives-to-negatives ratio needed to optimize growth? What can you do to improve this ratio?
A positiivty clicker would yield good results in my room. There is a great need for my kids to hear positive comments, that sometimes I feel I may even overdue it.
I want to work on expanding my positive comments to more than the usual “good job”, which I feel I overuse. I will try and use the “variety of clapping celebration” ideas mentioned in the book.
I like to think that my classroom has a family atmosphere because we are always working together in a positive way. Sometimes we work as a whole group to solve a problem, while other times the kids are working with a partner or a small group to achieve a specific goal. Just the other day I taught them the game 'tangle' where each student must grab the hands of other students while we all stand jumbled together; then we must untangle ourselves without letting go of our hands. We were having some trouble with arguing earlier that week so we played this game then had a discussion about how we must work as a team in order to have everything work smoothly and solve our problems without arguments. Just like a family, we have some days that just aren't as good as others but we sit down together and talk about what we can do to improve ourselves in the future and I always tell them that we will start fresh tomorrow. Also, I always try to find a minute to talk to the students in a voice and situation that are both relaxed so we can talk about anything and they feel comfortable speaking out. Having these moments where we just sit with each other and "chat" helps so much with their focus and ability to work together once they are expected to complete a math assignment with their group, for example.
ReplyDeleteI try to be positive as often as I can but there are times when things get a little crazy or stressful and it's easy to lose some of the positivity. I try not to get stuck in the rut of saying "good job" over and over because, for starters I get tired of it, but also because it's not very specific to what exactly they were doing that was good. I remind myself to always add something specific to what I say about how 'good' they are, for example today I said something along the lines of "Thanks for sitting correctly in your desk and listening to my voice" after a student had stopped dancing around in their seat. I can't say that everything is positive all the time because I'm only human and unfortunately I have moments where I speak or act too quickly and later think back in regret but I can say that I will start making even more of an effort to have many more positive points than negative.
That ability to reflect on events or conversations is what makes a good teacher. We all have moments when we speak or respond to a situation without choosing our words carefully. I believe reflecting on these events after the fact is what grows us to become better teachers. It is the mark of someone who cares not just about handling a situation but about the student as an individual.
Delete1. Does your classroom have a “family atmosphere”? What are the key ingredients that turn a group of students into a family? I believe that my classroom does have a family atmosphere. The students, Ms. Carole and I have a caring and respectable relationship with one another. One of the most important developmental skills for five year olds is social development. We learn that everyone is a friend and we are to care about others feelings. Five year olds enjoy learning about their peers and having opportunities for them to share and ask each other questions builds relationships. When the children work in groups during literacy centers and math centers they are learning to share and cooperative learning achievements.
ReplyDelete2. If someone used a “positivity clicker” in your classroom, what do you think the results would be? Would every single student get the 3-to-1 positives-to-negatives ratio needed to optimize growth? What can you do to improve this ratio? I like to say that I do try to have a positive attitude and caring disposition with each of my students. I enjoy giving praise to each child every day, even to those students that might not always know the correct answer, but they follow the classroom rules. In my classroom we not only earn tickets but we also earn coins to get a prize out of the treasure box. I will try each day to make sure that each child earned a coin for completing their work and following classroom rules. I find that my students that do struggle will always try extra hard to follow classroom rules and this leads to better partnerships in group work. I also believe that having a positive attitude with the students will teach the students to have positive and caring relationship to each other.
I believe my classroom has a family atmosphere and we do this by working on the 3 A's OF LIFE: Assist to help others, Achieve to be the best you can be, and Aspire to make a difference. These are things we do as a family and be it at home or at school, the habits, relationships, and positive power of thought are one and the same."We become what we think"
ReplyDeleteI would like to think positivity clicker would be 3-to-1 most days with high fives, positive affirmations, hugs, and "way to go's!"Then there are times when the clicker might show 2-to-1 and I go home beating myself up and work extra hard to make it up to the children with apologies and close monitoring of what I say.Luckily, these days are few and far between.,
I think that is important that we model a family atmosphere. I like to have class meetings to discuss issues that arise in the classroom. I tell my students that this is what my family does when we have something to share or a problem to work out. It helps them problem solve as a team. It also helps them celebrate accomplishments as a team. They have become much more encouraging toward each other.
ReplyDeleteI would love to say that everything in my classroom is always very positive. But that would be a lie. It is like parenting, a work in progress. I feel that most of us strive very hard to handle situations in a positive manner. Sometimes life and stress(teenagers) get the best of us.
ReplyDeleteI feel my classroom has a family atmosphere. The students will say we are a family. I want the students to be able to come to me with anything, problems, stories, and successes. I want them to feel they can make mistakes, ask any questions, without feeling inadequate. I like to hear all about students life's outside of school, I share with them many stories of my own girls and family.
ReplyDeletePositivity is something I need to work harder on. We have really good days, or lessons, when the kids are really getting it, we giving high fives, and cheering each other on. The kids are really good about asking the ones who are having more difficulty if they can help them. There of course are other lessons and days things are not as positive.
It is critical that your classroom have a family oriented atmosphere. I have worked the past couple years to ensure that students that are not as nurtured or that I know are not getting what they need at home, are getting more from me at school. Technology makes is easier to let parents know when a child is struggling, but also makes it easier to send a quick positive message. Eleven year olds can be challenging in many ways, but they are still kids. They still need hugs, support, high fives, smiles, stickers, and positive reinforcement. I also have a high level group, but 4-5 lower level kids, that I am sure to match up with partners that will build them up, and not expose their weaknesses.
DeleteI feel that creating a family atmosphere is key! Students need to feel safe and loved in order to see beyond that and get something out of the instruction. Students know we can joke around but there is a time and place for joking and a time/place for seriousness. They know that I respect them and in turn they give me their respect. For some students this is different from their relationships at home while others have identical relationships at home. It's key to figure out who comes from where..
ReplyDeleteIt is important for a classroom to have a family atmosphere. I feel that my students show they are like a family by how they work together and solve problems they are having in a reasonable manor. As the year went on the more my students encourage each other and volunteer to help the others that might need extra help. The bonds they have built throughout school have even carried into this classroom making it easier to build that family atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteIt is important for a classroom to have a family atmosphere. I feel that my students show they are like a family by how they work together and solve problems they are having in a reasonable manor. As the year went on the more my students encourage each other and volunteer to help the others that might need extra help. The bonds they have built throughout school have even carried into this classroom making it easier to build that family atmosphere.
ReplyDelete1. I am not sure that my classroom has the type of family atmosphere that a regular classroom has in that I see the kids so infrequently. Having them for 40 minutes a week in which we must accomplish our objectives doesn't leave a lot of time for connecting on a personal level. We try to do a lot of cooperative games and activities to get the students to engage with one another and work together to accomplish common goals. I also teach the nine core values of the First TEE in class to try and help students learn how to respect each other and interact appropriately. I try to instill a level of discipline in my classroom as I feel that this is a necessary part of family and growing up as well. I may not always give the student what they want but I always give them what they need to be successful down the road.
ReplyDelete2. As far as positivity goes, this is definitely something that I need to improve upon as I continue to teach at the Elementary level. While also being a Varsity Coach at the High School level, sometimes I get caught up in the coaching mindset of dwelling on the negative and trying to correct and improve certain things while losing sight of the positives. My biggest rule in class is to have a positive attitude and I expect each student to demonstrate that while also following the rules of class. When these expectations are not met, I can tend to be overly negative about it. As far as making corrections, I already do a lot of the group activities and "getting to know each other" activities that are outlined in the book, but I probably need to do a better job of personally connecting with more students and maintaining the emotional positivity even when students are not necessarily meeting the expectations of classroom rules.
This year has been perhaps the best example of a family atmosphere in my teaching career. I was lucky to have few behavior problems and the students'personalities meshed well. Within this atmosphere I try to stay positive and do a good job most days. However, on days when other pressures are impacting my own mood my positivity slips. On those days I catch myself doing just that, I can usually turn things around.
ReplyDeleteI have always tried to build a feeling of family in my classroom. I genuinely care for my kids and want them to know that they are important to me. I believe that builds a sense of family and a support system so that whether we succeed or fail in an activity, we are all working together to better ourselves. I do not allow any student to demean or make hurtful comments to anyone in our room. On many occasions, I have reminded students that they wouldn’t like it if someone said the same to them. Usually they don’t mean it the way it sounds and when made aware of the tone or implication, regret their words.
ReplyDeleteI tend to be a positive person but we all have days where we are tired or distracted. The idea of a positivity clicker is an interesting thing to keep in the back of my mind as I teach. When students get an answer wrong or have to be reminded of a rule or procedure, I try to give them an opportunity to correct their response or behavior by rephrasing a question or asking them to perform the task again in a different manner. As with everything, there is always room for growth...
I like that idea of giving them a second chance to try the behavior or task again!!
Delete1. I definitely think that my classroom has a family atmosphere even with getting the children only 40-45 minutes a week. I think that some keys to this are to allow children a space in which they are not afraid to fail. When we do this, children feel more free to speak up. I hope that they feel this way in my classroom.Another way I like to cultivate this is by giving kids the ability to work in groups and therefore form or hopefully solidify relationships. I also think that the family atmosphere is a direct result of the amazing classroom teachers at ISES and the community feel the administration creates as well.
ReplyDelete2. I would hope that if someone used that in my room it would yield good results. I think that it is a generally a positive place to be but I do struggle in certain ways to maintain a positive frame on things. I am not sure what the ratio would be, but I hope that I can strive to come close to that in the future. I can rethink what I am saying in the future and think before I speak in order to put a more positive spin on my criticism.
1. I definitely think that my classroom has a family atmosphere even with getting the children only 40-45 minutes a week. I think that some keys to this are to allow children a space in which they are not afraid to fail. When we do this, children feel more free to speak up. I hope that they feel this way in my classroom.Another way I like to cultivate this is by giving kids the ability to work in groups and therefore form or hopefully solidify relationships. I also think that the family atmosphere is a direct result of the amazing classroom teachers at ISES and the community feel the administration creates as well.
ReplyDelete2. I would hope that if someone used that in my room it would yield good results. I think that it is a generally a positive place to be but I do struggle in certain ways to maintain a positive frame on things. I am not sure what the ratio would be, but I hope that I can strive to come close to that in the future. I can rethink what I am saying in the future and think before I speak in order to put a more positive spin on my criticism.
I agree that establishing a family atmosphere is important and strive to do that with my students each year. It's funny to me how closely correlated my parenting and teaching world are these days...I find myself saying a lot of the same things to my students that I am to my children at home. I also find myself wanting the same things for them as I do for my own children which I think helps me keep a family atmosphere in mind. The positivity ratio is something for me to work on always. I typically start the day strong, but need to work on correcting students in a positive manner as others have mentioned above.